When the NHL season is on and the games are in full swing so are all the news and media outlets looking to report on the latest hockey stories on what’s going on in the league. That means there is both the online news and the offline news that makes up all the information going on in the NHL. There is NHL.com of course that has all the latest news, the national and local television stations all reporting the latest games, scores, players and rumours going on all the time. Then there is the TV sports channels like ESPN and Sportsnet who have television stations and syndicates throughout North America. The local stations in each city where there are NHL teams also all report on their local teams on all the details like players, status, standings, community and rumours about what’s going on.
Sports bloggers and podcasters are also now reporting on what’s happening in the NHL specializing on teams and providing more news on everything that’s going on too. The hockey bloggers that specialize on news, analysis, opinion, scores, and stats, from the NHL. Lots of news and media provides the needed news, statistics, and standings that fans want to know. Also includes Hockey Night in Canada, with RealVideo clips of Coach's Corner and Satellite Hotstove. Keep in mind that all the news changes with each team and who is in the playoffs. Once the NHL playoffs get closer to the final round of the Stanley Cup playoffs, then the final games will be broadcast on NBC during primetime television during the months of May and June. Some of the big personalities like Don Cherry brings lots of attention to the NHL with all his colorful suits and commentary on each game played and players.
You can come to Team NHL for the latest news and get more information on regular season news, players, teams and what are the hottest stories going on in the NHL. Even during the off season you can find out the behind the scenes activities on trades, injuries, new players, scouting and even local city reviews on what they think of their teams and players. Make sure you come back and find out what going on in the news and media here at Team NHL.